NYC HHC Lincoln Hospital Fuel Tank Replacement Project

Construction Management services for the complete replacement of Lincoln Hospital’s existing 75,000-gallon emergency diesel generator fuel tank holding system with a three-tank system of comparable holding capacity. The replacement system is located in front of the emergency room entrance of Lincoln Hospital, one of the busiest trauma hospitals in New York City. Project involves extensive dewatering and support of excavation systems to maintain 24-hour access to the emergency department. Project also includes new distribution piping infrastructure throughout the facility. Upon completion and commissioning of the new fuel oil storage system the existing system will be decommissioned including all distribution piping.

Project requires a 50’ x 50’ x 30’ deep hole to be excavated in front of the emergency room entrance. Support of excavation systems require installation via non-vibratory methods given the close proximity to the facility. Project will require 24/7 dewatering operations of 14’ of water elevation for a period of 6 months.

Project Details

NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation

New York, NY

Contract Value:

Guth DeConzo Role:
Construction Manager

Project Engineer:
JFKM Consulting Engineers, P.C.

Major Subcontractor/Suppliers:
Dynamic US, Inc.

Project Status and Schedule:
In Construction with Scheduled COD date of February, 2023

Project Video: